Look and Feel Your Best with Safe Affordable Cosmetic Surgery Services by Dr. Saucedo

Our competitive pricing makes cosmetic surgery accessible to everyone. I have offered cosmetic surgery services since 2005 and have over 10,000 hours of liposuction and fat transfer experience. We take care of patients from all over the country but most patients come to us from Phoenix and Tucson because of our excellent results and pricing. We constantly study market pricing and are proud to offer our services up to 40% less than Phoenix physicians. A Tummy Tuck with limited lipo in Phoenix is $18,000 and $12,000 in my office plus includes complete lipobody sculpting of abdomen, love handles, mons and sacrum with fat transfer to buttocks if desired.

I can offer this savings because we have an operating room in our office which allows me to limit a large part of overhead associated with Phoenix and Tucson pricing. We are less than 3 hours from Phoenix and less than 1 hour from Tucson. Call for an appointment and let's get your body transformation started.

I look Forward to meeting you, Dr. Saucedo,M.D

Tummy Tucks

Tummy Tucks

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes loose skin and fat from the lower abdomen. I usually try to make the incision 5 cm above the clitoris so that it is concealed with most bathing suits. Sometimes I will make the incision along a naturally occurring skin fold for better cosmetic results.The incision goes down to the fascia but does not enter the abdominal cavity, making this a very safe procedure. The skin is then carefully lifted off the abdomen up to the rib cage. I then place sutures to tighten the rectus muscles to give a tighter hourglass look. Once I wash the area with antibiotic solution, I pull the skin down and remove the excess skin. Care is taken to make the incision long enough to remove all redundant skin so there are no folds or "dog ears" on the sides of the abdomen. I than reshape the belly button and close the skin in layers for maximum support and for minimizing the scar. The incision is covered with a sterilebandage and after about one hour, the patient is sent home with family to begin the recovery process. Patients can start eating right away and are encouraged to walk and stay hydrated. I see patients the next day to check the incision and make sure they understand post op care instructions. Patients are given our cell phone numbers to call 24 hours a day. We encourage our patients from Phoenix, California, Mexico or other areas to stay in one of the many hotels in the area for at least one night. Out of town patients having a tummy tuck receive a complimentary two night stay in a nearby hotel.

Vaser Lipo


Vaser Lipo, also known as Lipo Selection, is an advanced body contouring procedure that selectively removes unwanted body fat. An alternative to the harsh techniques of traditional liposuction, VASER Lipo uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology designed to gently reshape your body. What distinguishes the VASER Lipo procedure is its ability to differentiate targeted fat from other important tissues- such as nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue. Innovative VASER technology breaks up fat while preserving these other important tissues to promote smooth results and rapid healing.

Brailian But Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift is the process of taking fat and putting it in your gluteus area to give a more aesthetically pleasing butt. Each patient is analyzed and I determine the best way to achieve what he/she wants. Fat that is transferred has a greater than 80-90% live rate. Patients are sore for a few days but can return to work in a week. This is one of my favorite procedures because the results are immediate.